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** 한국정치는? --이 女子를 어떻게 관리해야 하나?

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작성자 : 53 한준구 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 () 댓글 0건 조회 2,025회 작성일 2012-06-30 19:52






Assembly stalemate ends with unity

In rare show, Saenuri and DUP agree to vet two opposition lawmakers


北이 감싸안은 그녀… 김재연, '큰일났다'  PLAY AUDIO

June 30,2012
Lee Hahn-koo, left, floor leader of the Saenuri Party, and Park Jie-won, right, floor leader of the Democratic United Party, announce their deal to open the National Assembly yesterday. By Kim Hyung-soo
Ending nearly a month of delay in opening the legislature, the two main political parties yesterday made a rare promise to work together to scrutinize the qualifications of two opposition lawmakers dragged through a rigged primary scandal.

The conservative ruling Saenuri Party and the main opposition Democratic United Party yesterday reached agreement to open the first session of the 19th National Assembly on Monday.

The 300 newly elected lawmakers were scheduled to open the legislature before June 5, but the rival parties couldn’t agree on the formation of key committees as well as other sensitive political issues.

Representative Lee Hahn-koo of the Saenuri Party and Representative Park Jie-won of the DUP met yesterday and finalized the formation of the committees. The two floor leaders also announced a series of agreements on controversial issues that will be addressed by the National Assembly in the coming weeks.

이석기(왼쪽), 김재연(오른쪽)
Over the primary rigging scandal of the minor Unified Progressive Party, the two main parties agreed to jointly sponsor a resolution to review the qualifications of UPP representatives Lee Seok-gi and Kim Jae-yeon, who earned their seats in the March primary. According to the agreement, 15 lawmakers each of the main parties will jointly create the resolution and begin the process of scrutinizing the qualifications of the two lawmakers as soon as possible.

The two lawmakers, who were elected as proportional representatives, were accused of rigging the primary to become the top candidates. The UPP conducted two internal probes and concluded that the primary was manipulated, but scandal continues to deeply split the progressive party between its largest faction and the current emergency leadership. Lee and Kim are members of the largest faction and they have also been criticized for having a pro-Pyongyang ideology.

Under Article 138 of the National Assembly Act, a lawmaker may submit to the speaker a request to examine the qualification of another lawmaker by gathering signatures of 30 or more lawmakers. According to Article 142, a vote at a plenary session will decide the fate of the lawmaker. A resolution to disqualify a lawmaker requires a concurrent vote of two-thirds or more of the 300 National Assembly members.

As the Saenuri Party has 150 members and the DUP has 127 members, they have enough power to remove representatives Lee and Kim.

With pressure snowballing on the two lawmakers to voluntarily give up their seats, they have resisted that demand. The DUP appears to have made a political decision to keep its distance from the UPP in the months leading up to the presidential election.

The UPP yesterday issued a statement expressing regret. “We express serious regret that the two parties made a decision irrelevant to our position,” said UPP spokeswoman Lee Jeong-mi. “We hope the two parties respect our self-reform effort.”

Representatives Lee and Kim issued criticisms of DUP floor leader Park. “I think Park gave in to the Saenuri Party’s ideological offensive,” Lee said.

Kim issued a statement to say she had expected more from Park. “Park must withdraw from an agreement that is such an obvious political collusion,” she said. “I had no expectations from the Saenuri Party, but it is seriously disappointing that Park agreed with them.”

The Saenuri and DUP floor leaders also agreed on other issues, including a plan to elect the new National Assembly speaker on Monday morning. As of now, six-term Representative Kang Chang-hee of the Saenuri Party is nominated as the sole candidate to lead the legislature for the next two years.

The Saenuri Party and DUP also agreed to hold a National Assembly investigation into the scandal over the illegal spying on civilians and government abuse of power.

A special committee will be formed on Thursday and a Saenuri lawmaker will chair the committee.

The two parties also agreed to appoint an independent counsel to look into suspected irregularities involving the purchase of a site to build President Lee Myung-bak’s retirement home Naegok-dong, southern Seoul. Shortly after media reported the suspicious land purchase, the project was scrapped, but the lawmakers agreed to look further into the issue.
The bill to appoint a special prosecutor will come to vote at the main session on July 23. The DUP will nominate the independent counsel.

The two sides also found compromise on the issue of holding a hearing on media strikes. The Culture, Sports, Tourism, Broadcasting and Communications Committee will hold the hearing.

The two parties will cooperate with the board of directors of the Foundation for Broadcast Culture, to be appointed in early August, to normalize broadcasters, particularly MBC, as soon as possible.

The demands of the labor union and the company will be handled based on reasonable management decisions, law and common sense, the two parties agreed.

The two parties also agreed to form a special committee by Thursday to carry out the confirmation hearings of the four Supreme Court justice nominees as their terms start on July 11.

As for the formation of standing committees, the Saenuri Party will chair 10 committees and the DUP will chair eight. The chairmen of the standing committees will be elected at the main session on July 9.

By Ser Myo-ja [myoja@joongang.co.kr]

한글 관련 기사

北이 감싸안은 그녀… 김재연, '큰일났다'

이석기·김재연 국회 제명 심사

새누리·민주당 공동 발의

본회의서 조속 처리하기로

통진당 당기위선 출당 결론

새누리당과 민주통합당은 29일 통합진보당 이석기·김재연 의원에 대한 자격 심사안을 발의해 국회에서 처리하기로 합의했다. 양당이 비례대표 부정경선 논란에 휩싸인 이석기·김재연 의원 제명 절차에 들어간 것이다.

 새누리당 이한구, 민주통합당 박지원 원내대표는 이날 오전 국회 귀빈식당에서 다음 달 2일 국회 개원에 합의한 뒤 이 같은 내용이 포함된 ‘원내대표 합의사항’을 발표했다.

 양당 원내대표는 합의문에서 “비례대표 부정경선과 관련한 이석기·김재연 의원 자격 심사안을 양당 의원 15인씩 공동으로 발의해 본회의에서 ‘조속히’ 처리하기로 했다”고 밝혔다.

 국회법상 의원 30명이 국회의장에게 자격 심사안을 청구하면, 국회의장은 심사안을 국회 윤리위원회로 넘기고, 윤리위가 두 의원에 대해 제명을 포함한 징계 여부를 결정하게 된다. 최종 의결은 국회 본회의에서 재적의원 3분의 2(200명) 이상의 찬성으로 이뤄진다. 현재 새누리당과 민주당 의석 수는 각각 150석과 127석이라 양당이 공조할 경우 제명이 가능하다.

 이석기 의원은 기자들과 만나 “새누리당의 색깔 공세에 박지원 원내대표가 굴복한 게 아닌가 하는 생각이 든다”며 “여의도 정치가 이런 건가 하는 생각에 곤혹스럽다”고 말했다. 김 의원은 여야 합의를 ‘6·29 야합’으로 규정하며 “국회법 어디를 찾아봐도 두 당에 그럴 권한이 없다”고 주장했다.

 그러나 통합진보당은 이날 밤 중앙당기위원회를 열고 두 의원을 제명(출당)키로 했다. 두 의원은 지난 6일 서울시당 당기위(1심)에서 제명 처분을 받은 뒤 2심 격인 중앙당기위에 이의신청을 했었다. 하지만 중앙당기위가 이의신청을 기각하면서 1심 결론이 재확인됐다. 30일 또는 다음 달 1일 열릴 의원총회에서 제명안이 추인되면 두 의원은 출당 조치된다. 통합진보당에서 출당될 경우 국회의 자격 심사에도 영향을 미칠 것으로 보인다.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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